Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


A Study on the Current Situation of Emotional Labour Strategies Used by Pre-service English Teachers Taking a Normal University in Xinjiang as an Example
Volume 20

Wencan Du, Danning Chen, Danting Yu, Xinlu Yang

Corresponding Author

Xinlu Yang

Publishing Date

30 December, 2024


Pre-service English teachers, Emotional labour, Strategies.


As the division of emotional labor becomes more refined, research on the emotional labor of the profession about teaching is gradually increasing. Pre-service English teachers possess dual roles as “teacher” and “student”, which make their emotional work during the teaching practicum process more complex. This study takes 100 pre-service English teachers as the research subjects, and employs questionnaire and interview to explore the following two research questions: (1) What is the current situation of emotional labor strategies employed by pre-service English teachers to regulate their emotions in their teaching practicum? (2) What are the factors that affect the use of emotional labor strategies by pre-service English teachers? The findings of the study showed that: (1) Pre-service English teachers’ emotional labor was generally at a moderate to high level, specifically the expression of naturally felt emotion got the highest score, followed by deep acting and finally surface acting.(2) Factors influence the use of emotional labor strategies by pre-service English teachers mainly come from three aspects: individuals and organizations and society. 


© 2024, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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