Innovation Economics and Management Research (IEMR)


Research on the Historical Background and Practical Significance of Sang Hongyang’s Grand Question

Xinghao He, Jie Li

Corresponding Author

Jie Li

Publishing Date

30 Dec. 2022


Sang Hongyang’s Grand Question, Super-large state, Politcal model, Economic system.


This paper studies the historical background, contents, and realistic implications of Sang Hongyang’s Grand Question. Based on solid research, one can see that it is crucial for China to uphold and stick firmly to its own socialist economic system with Chinese characteristics that is legitimately rooted in its long history of effective governance for a super-large state. Furthermore, with its own development and success, China demonstrates the urgent necessity of finding the proper way of economic development and political model which should suit the national conditions of different countries.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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