Innovation Economics and Management Research (IEMR)


The Exploration of the "One-Two-Four" Model of Ethnic Unity Education in Local Colleges in the New Era

Amin Shao, Deyan Wang

Corresponding Author

Amin Shao

Publishing Date

30 Dec. 2022


Local colleges, Ethnic unity education, "One-two-four" model.


Ethnic unity education in colleges is an important guarantee for forging a solid sense of the Chinese ethnic community among college students of all nationalities. Local colleges (Note: specifically referring to local non-ethnic universities) have achieved certain results in the exploration of ethnic unity education. However, because of the three factors of society, school education, and individual students, there are still some areas that need to be improved in the education of ethnic unity. Local colleges have explored the "one-two-four" ethnic unity education model, which takes the sense of the Chinese ethnic community as the core, and "strengthing ethnic unity, inheritting ethnic culture" as the value dimension, and contains the top-level design, theoretical study, practical activities, and characteristic innovation. It will provide a certain reference in ethnic unity education of local colleges. 


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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