Innovation Economics and Management Research (IEMR)


The Internal Construction of the Environmental Criminal Compliance System for Chinese Companies

Xiangyu Chen

Corresponding Author

Xiangyu Chen

Publishing Date

30 Dec. 2022


Environmental criminal compliance, Internal management, Green legal governance.


Considering the predicament of insufficient legislative basis and limited practical attempts for environmental criminal compliance of Chinese enterprises, the green governance concept can be tried to provide new ideas for its institutional construction, so as to promote the improvement of environmental criminal compliance of enterprises in terms of top-level institutional design and coordination of mechanisms and instruments. From the perspective of internal governance, according to the target requirements of environmental criminal compliance risk prevention and control, this essay explores the basic rules design, organization building, and supervision mechanisms that should be included in an enterprise's environmental criminal compliance system, in order to help enterprises establish and operate an efficient and feasible environmental criminal compliance system internally.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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