Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Three-dimensional Education of Appreciation, Creation and Rehearsal: Exploration and Practice of Ideological and Political Model in the Course "Appreciation and Orchestration of Chorus Works" Chengh

Chenghong Wang

Corresponding Author

Chenghong Wang

Publishing Date

29 May 2023


Ideology and politics in courses, Strengthening moral education and cultivating people, Music education, Curriculum construction, Education mode.


Ideology and politics in courses is an important way to implement the fundamental task of strengthening moral education and cultivating people, and integrate value shaping, knowledge teaching and ability training to promote students' all-round development. In the course of ideological and political construction, cases of choral works containing ideological and political elements such as red classics, ancient poems, folk music, and teachers' ethics of "Appreciation and Orchestration of Chorus Works" are selected to carry out teaching and editing exercises. The ideological and political elements of socialist core values, traditional culture, cultural self-confidence, and educational feelings contained in these cases are dug out to realize mutual promotion of knowledge transfer, ability improvement, and value cultivation, forming a three-dimensional ideological and political education model of appreciation, creation and rehearsal. This article gives a general introduction to the progress of the course, focusing on the objective orientation of the ideology and politics in courses, content design, practice mode, and ideological and political effects of the course, in order to provide reference and reference for the construction of relevant courses.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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