Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Diagnosis and Intervention of "Slow Employment" Among College Students Based on Behavioral Analysis from the Perspective of Big Data Taking Z School in Z City as an Example

Li Liu, Jun Wu

Corresponding Author

Li Liu

Publishing Date

29 May 2023


Big data, Behavioral analysis, Slow employment of college students.


Employment is the greatest livelihood and college student employment is an important task for universities. The 2022 Survey Report on the Employability of College Students showed that 15.9% of graduates chose slow employment, an increase of 3 percentage points compared to 2021. In response to the phenomenon of "slow employment" among college students, based on the construction of Z School in Z City, combined with the reasons and impacts of slow employment among college students, this article proposes a circular structure diagnosis and intervention model of "state recognition-strategy matching-intervention implementation" based on behavioral analysis from the perspective of big data, provides suggestions for universities to build a quality improvement system for employment and education based on the fundamental task of "fostering character and civic virtue", and offers reference and suggestions for employment and education work in Zhuhai universities, so as to assist in talent education in higher education institutions.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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