Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Exploration on the Construction Path of Young Teachers' Morality and Style in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Strengthening Moral Education and Cultivating People

Kaiyue Qi, Yan Xie

Corresponding Author

Kaiyue Qi

Publishing Date

29 May 2023


Strengthening moral education and cultivating people, Young teachers, Construction of teacher's morality and style.


Strengthening moral education and cultivating people is an important cornerstone of university construction. Currently, young teachers in colleges and universities are the main group to implement the fundamental task of strengthening moral education and cultivating people, and their own level of construction directly affects the quality of talent cultivation in colleges and universities. However, from the current situation of professional ethics construction for young teachers in colleges and universities, some young teachers still have problems such as vague ideals and beliefs, lack of professional dedication, and weak service awareness. The construction of teacher ethics in colleges and universities should adhere to the guidance of strengthening moral education and cultivating people, with a focus on strengthening the ideals and beliefs of young teachers and their career development, improving the assessment mechanism and evaluation system, and exploring effective ways to improve the level of professional ethics of young teachers.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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