Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Information Literacy Possessed by College English Teacher in the Era of Big Data

Yali Chen

Corresponding Author

Yali Chen

Publishing Date

29 May 2023


The era of big data, College English teachers, Information literacy.


The era of big data has had an unprecedented impact on college English teaching, which also exposes many college English teachers' lack of information awareness and use of information technology. By discussing the basic meanings of the era of big data and teachers' information literacy, the paper puts forward four kinds of information literacy which should be possessed by college English teacher under the background of the era of big data. Only by constantly reflecting on the integration of modern education information technology and curriculum, striving to improve their own information literacy and daring to challenge themselves, can college English teachers truly step into the information age and realize their professional development.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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