Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


An Exploration on the Ways to Improve the Comprehensive Quality of College English Teachers in the New Era

Zhangling Wu

Corresponding Author

Zhangling Wu

Publishing Date

29 May 2023


College English teacher, Moral quality, Psychological quality, Professional quality.


In the new era, the development of society, the prosperity of the country and the revitalization of the nation all need high-quality talents. The cultivation of high-quality talents relies upon high-quality teachers. Therefore, teachers are the first resource for social development. Teachers shoulder the heavy responsibility of training socialist builders and successors for the motherland. The quality of teachers is related to the quality of education. The comprehensive quality of teachers has a great impact on the long-term development of students. With the progress of the times, the needs of society and students are also changing. The comprehensive quality of college English teachers needs to be improved to meet the needs of national development and students’ growth. This paper analyzes the requirements of society and students for college English teachers in the new era, discusses the problems of moral quality, psychological quality and professional quality faced by college English teachers at present, and finally puts forward the ways to improve the comprehensive quality of college English teachers in view of relevant problems.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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