Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Research on the Cultivation Model of Critical Thinking Skills for English Majors in the Context of New Liberal Arts Education

Liting Wang

Corresponding Author

Liting Wang

Publishing Date

27 July 2023


Critical thinking skills, English majors, New Liberal Arts education, Cultivation model, Teaching and learning.


Traditional foreign language education has not placed sufficient emphasis on enhancing students' critical thinking skills. Language classroom instruction centered around repetition and memorization does not effectively integrate the development of language proficiency with the cultivation of critical thinking abilities. With the comprehensive promotion of the "New Liberal Arts" education initiated in 2019, foreign language education in China has entered a stage of quality development aligned with the new era. This study is based on the goals of the "New Liberal Arts" education and in response to China's development strategies and market demands. It discusses the cultivation model of critical thinking skills for English majors in the context of the "New Liberal Arts" education, aiming to provide references and insights for English teaching in the era of the "New Liberal Arts" education.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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