Innovation Economics and Management Research (IEMR)


Exploration on the Development Path of Rural Sports Industry Against the Background of Rural Revitalization Strategy

Gongbo Wei

Corresponding Author

Gongbo Wei

Publishing Date

05 December 2023


Rural revitalization, Sports industry, Development path.


In recent years, the rural sports industry has achieved rapid development and presented characteristics of popularity and complexity. Against the backdrop of limited resources, the rural sports industry is facing regional competition. With the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, rural sports industry resources have been better developed and utilized, which can stimulate the enthusiasm of rural people to participate. This not only strengthens the concept of farmers' sports consumption, but also promotes the steady progress of rural sports market construction. In the planning and development of rural sports industry, it is necessary to combine the local actual situation, pay attention to organic integration with other industries, and highlight the importance of forming ecological and social benefits.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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