Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Analysis of the Image of "Dharmachakra Pravartana" in Nannieshui Stone Carvings
Volume 14

Chenxin Yang

Corresponding Author

Chenxin Yang

Publishing Date

13 May, 2024


Nannieshui stone carvings, Dharmachakra pravartana, Sermon.


In the Buddhist stories that depict the life deeds of Buddha Shakyamuni, the "dharmachakra pravartana" is one of the most important events, often forming a "four phase diagram" with birth, enlightenment, and Nirvana. The statue stone carvings unearthed from the Nannieshui Cellar have been identified by scholars as the "dharmachakra pravartana" in one of the niche images, and the author has doubts about the identification. This article starts with the content represented by the image. Through the comparison and analysis of the specific details of the image, this article concludes that this image does not refer to "the first sermon in Sarnath" event, but rather expresses the concepts of "eternal Buddhism" and "the master of the universe, Shakyamuni". The focus is on promoting doctrine and thus transforming sentient beings.


© 2024, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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