Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


A Study on the Thought System of Contemporary "Neighborhood Diplomacy" with Chinese Characteristics
Volume 14

Haofan Fang, Xiaoyu Chen

Corresponding Author

Haofan Fang

Publishing Date

13 May, 2024


Contemporary China, Neighborhood diplomacy, Ideological system.


With the deepening development of political multipolarity and economic globalization in current world, the international situation is unpredictable, and global governance and international order have entered a period of deep adjustment. As the world's second-largest economy, China plays an important role on the international stage, and neighborhood diplomacy also occupies a primary position in China's overall diplomatic layout. Creating a good and secure neighboring environment is of great significance for promoting China's sustainable development and maintaining world peace and stability. The contemporary Chinese characteristic "neighborhood diplomacy" ideological system formed on this basis is a positive answer to China's questions about the world, the times, and history, and is also a declaration of the times that concerns the well-being of China, neighboring countries, and even the world's people.


© 2024, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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