Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Current Status and Countermeasures of English Translation of Language Landscape in the Red Cultural City Luding in the National Strategic Context of “The Belt and Road Initiative”
Volume 14

Yuanhui Hu

Corresponding Author

Yuanhui Hu

Publishing Date

13 May, 2024


Luding, Language landscape, Current situation of English translation, Countermeasures.


Collecting language materials such as road signs, street names, and road names in the language landscape of the famous red cultural city of Luding through on-site photography, organizing and analyzing the English translations in the language landscape, it was found that there were problems with inconsistent translations, non-standard abbreviations, incomplete translations, and spelling errors in the English translations. In response to the problems in the language materials, measures were proposed to strengthen supervision, timely correct errors in the Chinese English translations of the language landscape, and establish a language landscape error correction hotline. This study helps to reduce errors in the Chinese English translation of the language landscape in the famous red cultural city of Luding, and continuously standardize the language landscape in the region.


© 2024, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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