Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Bridges and Bonds: The Connotations, Relationships, and Mutual Influences of People-to-People Exchange and the Opening-up of Education in the Era of Globalization
Volume 17

Shaoqin Lu, Baozhen Wang

Corresponding Author

Shaoqin Lu

Publishing Date

25 October, 2024


Educational opening-up, International People-to-People exchange, Cultivation of international talents, International cooperation.


With the development of globalization, international People-to-People exchange and the opening up of education play an extremely important role in establishing mutual trust and understanding between nations. The article first defines the connotations of international People-to-People exchange and education, and by analyzing their interplay and role in promoting social diversity and internationalization, it points out that international People-to-People exchange can promote educational innovation and reform by providing a platform for cross-cultural understanding. At the same time, education also provides a solid foundation for international People-to-People exchange by cultivating talents with an international perspective. The positive impacts of international People-to-People exchange on education mainly include enhancing the quality of education, promoting the sharing of educational resources, and bringing new ideas and methods to education. The research results indicate that the opening up of education and international People-to-People exchange are complementary to each other, and together they promote the modernization of education and the enhancement of international competitiveness.


© 2024, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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