Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Analysis of “Saison Africa” in France: Background, Features and Impact
Volume 20

Rui Zhang

Corresponding Author

Rui Zhang

Publishing Date

30 December, 2024


Saison Africa 2020, Franco-African relations, cultural diplomacy, Ouagadougou speech, Emmanuel Macron.


Since becoming President of France in 2017, Macron has been advocating a common future for France and Africa as well as developing Franco-African relations on an equal footing. The further improvement and reshaping of Franco-African relations remain a priority of Macron’s second presidential term. Furthermore, Macron’s administration attaches particular importance to Franco-African cultural relations, hoping to bring the two parties closer together with cultural diplomacy and paving the way for Franco-African relations by putting aside prejudice and restoring trust. It is in this context that Saison Africa 2020 (Africa2020 Season), with France as the sponsor and Africa as the center, came into being to serve this vision. With large scale, long duration and high cost, the Season shows a full picture of Africa, highlighting African youth and women groups. It lays a particular emphasis on the role of education and redefines the way that Africa has been taught in France. The Saison Africa 2020 reflects the pan-African and macro-cultural characteristics of Macron’s government’s cultural diplomacy with Africa. Furthermore, the “culture” connotation has been broadened with a bias towards cultural and creative industries, and in terms of target groups, special attention has been given to young Africans, who are expected to play a central role in strengthening Franco-African cooperation and achieving the common future.


© 2024, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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