Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Exploration and Practice of Ideological and Political Work for College Students Based on Curriculum Ideological and Political Education as the Core Taking the Curriculum Ideology and Politics of Marri

Jing An

Corresponding Author

Jing An

Publishing Date

29 May 2023


Marriage and Family Inheritance Law, Three-three system, Curriculum ideological and political education.


The curriculum ideological and political education model of Marriage and Family Inheritance Law is to guide students to not only pay attention to their own small "home", but also let the small "home" serve the big "home" and the country, and form the awareness of "family and country community". It is hoped to solve the ideological questions about the relationship between individual, society and country, ideals, beliefs and practice that are easily generated by college students' values in the new era, positively respond to the theoretical concerns of college students' values, cultivate college students' awareness of the Chinese national community, and finally consolidate the ideological and political foundation and the rule of law foundation of college students in the new era.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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