Linquan Wang, Zhenghong Kang
Linquan Wang
November 15, 2024
Sports intangible cultural heritage, Virtual settlement, Sports management.
As a comprehensive form of ethnic culture, sports intangible cultural heritage (ICH) maintains a close and interdependent relationship with other cultural systems in its surrounding environment, constantly interacting with them. It functions as an open cultural system that freely exchanges material and information with the outside world. Settlements serve as a complex form aimed at cultural protection and transmission. Universities, due to their natural role in education and research, have an inherent connection with the transmission and dissemination of sports ICH, making them ideal places to practice virtual settlements. These virtual settlements facilitate the creation of multidimensional social, cultural, and economic links, triggering a "chain effect" for sports ICH protection. This paper systematically analyzes the construction, management, and promotion of virtual sports ICH transmission settlements within universities. The research approach and analytical results presented hold significant value for practical application and promotion, offering valuable insights into the transmission and development of sports ICH in the digital environment.
© 2024, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC
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