Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)

Publisher ISCCAC


The series covered by the following topics:

• Philosophic sciences about the human being: historical, philosophical and modern perspectives.

• East-West and the human being in these cultures. Russian culture and its interaction with the cultures of the West and the East. The understanding of the human being in the history of Russian philosophy and in the modern Russian philosophy.

• Philosophy of religion about the human being. The understanding of the human being in world and local religions. Secular and post-secular societies and the position of the human being in them.

• Social, ethnocultural, inter-ethnic and inter-religious problems of modern societies. The role of the person in resolving social and ethnic conflicts. Conceptual substantiation of the trend towards postmodern societies.

• Impact of the media and communication, information and simulation technologies on the person. The problems of the relationship between the subject and the computer, the person and artificial intelligence. Psychological and behavioral issues of Internet addiction.

• Cultural anthropology, social anthropology, culture and human health.

• Issues of modern education and the status of the person in the education process.

• Philosophy of health and bioethics. Ethical issues of modern technology application in medicine. Spiritual practices of different cultures and human health.

• Civilization and global challenges to the modern human being and society. Ontological and gnoseological status of the human being in the context of the interaction of civilizations at present time.

• Educational Foundations; Curriculum, Research and Development; Adult Education; Course Management; Global Issues in Education and Research; Inclusive Education; Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment; Pedagogy; Education and Psychology; Education Policy and Leadership; Educational Administration; Science Education; Art Education; Business Education; Game-based Learning; E-Learning.

• Arts: literature, the visual arts, the graphic arts, the plastic arts, the decorative arts, the performing arts, applied arts, music, and architecture

• Design: costume design, fashion design, floral design, graphic design, interior design, scenic design, urban design, web design