Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


Endowing the Old with the New, Advancing with the Times: The Sinicization of Marxist View of Journalism

Jingfan Yue

Corresponding Author

Jingfan Yue

Publishing Date

29 May 2023


Marxist view of journalism, Endowing the old with the new, Advancing with the times, Party spirit, Affinity to the people.


With the rapid development of the Internet, information communication has entered the era of Web 2.0 from the era of Web 1.0, and new phenomena of news communication anomie with different internal logic and external representations emerge endlessly. The root cause is that some journalists do not grasp the historical foundation and realistic perspective of Marxist view of journalism. In the current practice of journalism and communication in China, how can journalists deepen their understanding and grasp of the Marxist view of journalism, and hand over answers that are satisfactory to the times and reassuring to the people? Combining the background and research methods of linguistics and history, the author examines the connotation of Marxist view of journalism from the perspective of textual interpretation, traces back the inevitable path of Marxist view of journalism taking root and sprouting in China from a historical perspective, summarizes the development of Marxist view of journalism in the new era, and explores solutions to theoretical and practical dilemmas.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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