Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


The Character Analysis of the Heroine in Gone Girl — A "Perfect" but Crazy Army

Li Yu, Junlan Li, Luying Deng

Corresponding Author

Li Yu

Publishing Date

29 May 2023


Lost lover, Perfectionism, Character analysis, Root cause.


American writer Gillian Flynn's third novel Gone Girl has won numerous praises from the literary world and the media. The book also made Flynn one of the best-selling authors in the United States. In 2014, the famous Hollywood director David Finch put this suspenseful masterpiece on the screen. This paper analyzes Amy, the main character in the novel from the perspective of perfectionism, and discusses that Amy's crazy behavior was caused by her parents' perfectionism education during her growth. Undoubtedly they should bear the primary responsibility for the whole tragedy.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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